As usual I didn't prepare enough (not at all) the night before for my overnight trip to Spokane. (Which is an hour+ south of where I live.) So, as a result, I tried to cram four hours worth of work into two. Chaos ensued. Getting together enough of everything for four children, ages nine months to six years, isn't as simple as throwing a few things in a bag. There's all the extra stuff like clothes, blankets, diapers, food, bottles, bibs (which I forgot), toys, stroller, shampoo, sippy cups, etc. Then when it's time to get into the car inevitably there is at least one poopy diaper...I got two. I finally got everything in the truck and I am 20 min behind.
As I am pulling out of the driveway I realize, I need gas. There goes another 10 min. At the gas station I face the fact, my children have not eaten and it's noon see where this is going.
I have a Dr's appt and I can not take another 15 min to get to the drive through, order, wait, and then distribute food. Spying a variety of snack food I come to the conclusion that potato chips are the least bad of all the bad I'm looking at. Three bags of chips it is. I can not believe I am going to do this. I have to laugh or I am going to get really down on myself.
My children were of course aghast at the prospect of eating a bag of chips for lunch. They begged me to give them something healthy and well balanced. They barely choked the chips and all their preservatives down. All the while telling me what an awful mother I am. NOT!!
So, they survived the ordeal and so did I. The moral of the story, for me anyway, is get organized and don't procrastinate!