For I am sure of this very thing, that the one who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus. Philippians 1:6

Friday, April 15, 2011

Diggin' Up Bones

"I'm diggin' up bones, I'm diggin' up bones
Exhuming things thats better left alone..."*

I can clearly hear the resonating barotone voice of Randy Travis singing these words.  The question that runs through my head along with the melody is "Should I?"  Now my reason is not to dig up bones regarding lost loves but of a childhood missing in foggy and lost memories.  Does it do any good to go searching for what is forgotten?  The event or events are obviously traumatic enough otherwise the brain would not be hiding it/them.  To what end?

I believe this comes down to motivation.  What is the driving factor?  This quest for information.  And how will God be glorified in the ugliness that can only be found in these kinds of things.  Should I even contemplate it?  What of the arguments against digging around in things you can't change?  How do you deal with the hostility that would come with it?  So many things to concider...I just want whatever I do to be glorifying to my Father.

"I'm diggin' up bones, I'm diggin' up bones
Exhuming things thats better left alone..."* 

...are they better left alone?

*Lyrics to "Diggin' Up Bones" by Randy Travis


  1. "When our pain becomes bigger then our fear" One of my favorite quotes in CR. That's when I know "digging up bones" is worth it.. because it's not only bones buried there. Just like child birth.. pain bring life.. In the kingdom death brings life!

    Awesome blog Heather.. I'm glad I read it today. :)


  2. Scripture does not teach that we are spiritually defiled by the sins of others, although we may suffer great pain.  Nor does the Bible teach us to confess the sins that others have committed against us. Also, repressed memories are an invention of Freud, not taught in Scripture as Jesus said,  “That which proceeds out of the man, that is what defiles the man” (Mark 7:20).

  3. Also, I'd recommend this article.

  4. I have a friend who recently remembered some traumatic things that happened to her in her childhood. She is very involved in Women's ministry and the Lord brought it to mind not only so she could be free from it, but also so that He could use her testimony to free others.

    You have my prayers, whatever you decide.

  5. I personally know several women who had repressed memories from childhood. Through a healing process, God in his great mercy is faithful to bring us to recognition of hurts from our past in his own good time. If your heart is soft to him, and trusting him, know that you are safe holding his hand while walking through (or re-walking through) the deepest, darkest valleys.
